Sunday, February 18, 2007

We have been viewing the Oscar nominees and here are Glen's picks

Best Motion Picture Of The Year

"Babel" - Important themes explored in intertwining plots
"The Departed" - Gangster without the rap
"Letters from Iwo Jima" -
"Little Miss Sunshine" - Delightful
"The Queen" - Story did not grip me

We have not seen "Letters...", but I think "Babel "is the best made film. Little Miss Sunshine was delightful, but not your typical Oscar nominee

Performance By An Actor In A Leading Role
Leonardo DiCaprio in "Blood Diamond" - Where did he get that accent?
Ryan Gosling in "Half Nelson" - Aimless
Peter O'Toole in "Venus" - He acts his age
Will Smith in "The Pursuit of Happyness" - Inspiring
Forest Whitaker in "The Last King of Scotland" - Colorful dictator

Whitaker was extremely powerful.

Performance By An Actor In A Supporting Role
Alan Arkin in "Little Miss Sunshine" - Very sympathetic
Jackie Earle Haley in "Little Children" - Life as a pervert
Djimon Hounsou in "Blood Diamond" - Great perspective to life in a chaotic region
Eddie Murphy in "Dreamgirls" - I didn't know he could sing so well
Mark Wahlberg in "The Departed" - Ok performance

For sentimental reasons I agree that Arkin should get it, but Haley and Hounsou were very powerful.

Performance By An Actress In A Leading Role
Penélope Cruz in "Volver"
Judi Dench in "Notes on a Scandal" - Creepy!
Helen Mirren in "The Queen" - She really does look and act like her majesty
Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada" - Entertaining
Kate Winslet in "Little Children" -

I have not seen Volver, but Mirren gave the best performance

Performance By An Actress In A Supporting Role
Adriana Barraza in "Babel" - The plight of a nanny who seeks normality
Cate Blanchett in "Notes on a Scandal" - Temptation lesson
Abigail Breslin in "Little Miss Sunshine" - Just darling
Jennifer Hudson in "Dreamgirls" - Who knew she could act too.
Rinko Kikuchi in "Babel" - Play a tortured soul

Barraza was powerful, but I enjoyed Hudson more



Blogger Tiffany McAninch said...

I haven't even seen most of these - guess I better get to watching! I did see Little Miss Sunshine and loved it - very cute. Thanks for the reviews!

2:30 PM  

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